Would you?
I ask of you one thing,
One thing only,
Only that thing,
But will you do it?
There's nothing to it now,
Now that,
That it has passed by now.
What if,
If you get this,
This one shot,
A shot to change it.
Would you take it?
Change everything,
Make it the way you want?
What would it be?
What did happen?
Can you change it?
Does it really mean that much?
I'd say,
"I'll bury myself",
"And come back",
"Back when it's all gone",
"Theese tormenting feelings",
"Feelings of love",
"Feelings of hate",
"Feelings of my own insecurity".
©Rasmus Lönfeldt
One thing only,
Only that thing,
But will you do it?
There's nothing to it now,
Now that,
That it has passed by now.
What if,
If you get this,
This one shot,
A shot to change it.
Would you take it?
Change everything,
Make it the way you want?
What would it be?
What did happen?
Can you change it?
Does it really mean that much?
I'd say,
"I'll bury myself",
"And come back",
"Back when it's all gone",
"Theese tormenting feelings",
"Feelings of love",
"Feelings of hate",
"Feelings of my own insecurity".
©Rasmus Lönfeldt
SV: Haha, du är inte efter, det beror väl på att det aldrig har kommit på tal när du har varit med. Jag pluggar till lärare i Norrköping och tar examen i januari. Då blir jag lärare för grundskolans tidigare åldrar, dvs år 1-6, och det ska bli jätteroligt! Det är samma utbildning som Johanna Udd precis har påbörjat.
Jess skrev:
Oh come on! Du är stark, live without regrets! Osäkerhet är till för att övervinnas!
Mia skrev: