Growing up.

I hang to you,
Han with a steady grip,
Never to let go,
Never to loose anyone again.

You're all I have left,
Left here in this world,
You still hang onto,
Han onto me aswell.

I will see you grow,
Grow larger,
Grow to a woman,
Grow to finally hang onto someone else.

Hang to someone else,
Hang but never loose,
Loose the grip,
The grip of us.

We will be there,
There where you need,
Need us the most,
Most through hard times.

I'm your father,
I will see you grow,
Grow out of my grip,
Grow to finally live your own life.

©Rasmus Lönfeldt


Jess skrev:

Jättefin och samtidigt lite smått vemodig.. Som tur är, är pappa alltid pappa. Oersättlig!

DATUM: 2010-09-17 TID: 20:08:43

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