A new beginning, but yet an ending.

A new beginning,
Beginning of a new era,
An era about a new people,
New people yet from the old times.

They lived,
Lived and fought,
Fought for water and food,
Fought to survive.

The old times is ending,
Ending to a new beginning,
A new beginning of hope.
A hope to be more than a few to survive.

Survival for the strongest,
Strongest protects the weak,
Weak survive through the help of other,
Others trade for survival.

Survival for the fittest,
Survival of how you make it.
Survival is the tool to make a new world.
A new world for the new beginning.

©Rasmus Lönfeldt


Jess skrev:

Gillar verkligen denna! =)

BLOGG: http://honjessicaduvet.blogg.se/
DATUM: 2010-09-17 TID: 20:14:29

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